By Sharon Whitworth, 15th District PTA, CCSSI Team Lead

I have been in the PTA for 36 years and have found that our recent work connecting with parents about the Common Core State Standards (Common Core) has been the most rewarding project that I have ever been a part of. We have learned that successful implementation of the Common Core means reaching out to and involving all stakeholders involved in the education of students – not working in a vacuum. That includes parents, teachers, administrators, their PTAs, the community at large, and business leaders. Kentucky has done just that and we are on our way to making all of our students college and career ready.

Dec 2012
AUTHOR Sharon Whitworth

U.S. Department of Education Releases First-Ever State-by-State Graduation Rates

As reported in the Huffington Post, the U.S. Department of Education released “state-by-state four-year high school graduation rates” using a new, more rigorous measurement formula that is being used by all states to calculate graduation rates – allowing for cross-state comparisons. The new measurement formula is viewed as superior to previous “flawed” formulas and reports Iowa, Wisconsin, and Vermont with the highest graduation rates.

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Dec 2012
AUTHOR The Hunt Team

In The News, Research

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The Federal Government Should Support State-Led Education Efforts

In the New York Times’ Room for Debate article, “National, but Not Federal,” former Governor Jeb Bush reaffirms the roles of states and the federal government in the development and implementation of Common Core State Standards. “The development and implementation of Common Core State Standards is an example of state and federal levels of government acting within their proper role. After developing them, states are taking the lead to determine how the standards are to be met and to administer tests. Along with school superintendents, principals and teachers, they will make decisions on curriculum. Washington offers incentives for the implementation.”

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Dec 2012
AUTHOR The Hunt Team
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Successful Common Core Implementation Starts with Teacher Collaboration

In a new Education Week commentary by Vicki Phillips, director of education, College Ready at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Robert L. Hughes, president of New Visions for Public Schools, the authors discuss the critical and “essential” role that teachers play to successfully implement the Common Core State Standards and new ways to foster greater teacher collaboration

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Dec 2012
AUTHOR The Hunt Team
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