Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips: Common Core Momentum II
Vicki Phillips, director of education, college ready at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, continues her discussion about the momentum of the Common Core implementation process on The first part of her discussion – Eduwonk: Gates Foundation’s Vicki Phillips On Common Core Momentum – can be found here.
“Stick-to-itiveness. Determination. Tenacity. Grit. These are concepts that every teacher tries to impart to his or her students – the importance of not giving up when the going gets tough. In fact, according to Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth, a psychologist and a 2013 MacArthur Genius Grant recipient, grit – that potent combination of passion, perseverance and stamina – is the true key to achieving success.
But if that’s the case, I wonder why we are now hearing calls to pause, halt and even reverse the Common Core State Standards – one of the most important U.S. education initiatives in decades. During this time of implementation, being able and willing to adjust and recalibrate is certainly a necessary part of the process, but going backwards is not the answer. As I recently wrote, realizing success for all students is within our reach, and instead of quitting, we must focus on giving teachers and students the support they need as they adjust to the new standards. Equally, we must ensure that teachers and students are truly prepared before consequences for not meeting the standards are implemented.
So, how do we do this?”
Read the full commentary .
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